Bal Simon
I'm very sorry for your loss Gail. I didn't get to know Warren all that well. The few times I met with him, he was warm, friendly, and someone I would have welcomed more into my life if opportunities had presented themselves. He was genuinely interested in how things were for me and my family in the Seattle area. I am so sad about his passing and sorry for the losses of those who were very close to him. Hugs.
~ Bal
Thanks so much Bal...great to see you today! :)
Bal Simon
You, too, Gail! :)
Gail Simon-Boyd
Hi! Creating this page to honor my dad. Please feel free to share photos, comments, memories, funny stories, a favorite joke of his (keep it clean if possible). This has been a challenging time and I may not have reached out to each of you personally, but please know how much I appreciate your kind condolences and thoughtful gestures, and most of all your loving presence in our lives.-G